


Color timing is the colorization of film as it is being developed, involving the photo-chemical process in creating colorized prints. Color timing was used extensively with films before the digital age and performed in a laboratory. Color timing is used to manipulate the color and give the scene a consistent look between shots. It has a great effect on filmed images, as it controls the `look' of the film, with respect to exposure and color balance, as well as scene-to-scene continuity.


In the past color timing had traditionally been completed in an overnight process in a film lab where the Director of Photography would send a few notes on how he/she would like the "Rushes or Dailies" to look.

Now, this "One Light" process is completed ALMOST instantly on set. Throughout the day SetNet DITs collaborate with the Director of Photography and the Director to establish the desired look of the project. Once the look is established the DIT color times each shot, manipulating the color of each scene to give a consistent look throughout the project. Color timing is a very important step in the creative process. It helps translate the mood and emotion of the visuals captured on camera. SetNet strives to achieve the Director of Photography's style to compliment their visual imagery. 

With experienced and talented DITs, SetNet provides you with well qualified personnel to help you achieve your vision of any project you're working on.