


Data Management is an administrative process that includes acquiring, validating, storing, protecting, and processing required data to ensure the accessibility, reliability, and timeliness of the data for its users.


SetNet takes pride in our innovative solutions for high volume data management. We have invested a tremendous amount of research to achieve high bandwidth, large data, transfers across multiple platforms. All downloads include MD5 checksums, Thumbnail metadata reports, and deliverables can include enterprise level storage, hard drives, internet uploads, and LTO tape backups. 




Color timing is the colorization of film as it is being developed, involving the photo-chemical process in creating colorized prints. Color timing was used extensively with films before the digital age and performed in a laboratory. Color timing is used to manipulate the color and give the scene a consistent look between shots. It has a great effect on filmed images, as it controls the `look' of the film, with respect to exposure and color balance, as well as scene-to-scene continuity.


In the past color timing had traditionally been completed in an overnight process in a film lab where the Director of Photography would send a few notes on how he/she would like the "Rushes or Dailies" to look.

Now, this "One Light" process is completed ALMOST instantly on set. Throughout the day SetNet DITs collaborate with the Director of Photography and the Director to establish the desired look of the project. Once the look is established the DIT color times each shot, manipulating the color of each scene to give a consistent look throughout the project. Color timing is a very important step in the creative process. It helps translate the mood and emotion of the visuals captured on camera. SetNet strives to achieve the Director of Photography's style to compliment their visual imagery. 

With experienced and talented DITs, SetNet provides you with well qualified personnel to help you achieve your vision of any project you're working on.




Video Transcoding, also known as video encoding, is the process that converts a video file from one format to another, to make videos viewable across different platforms and devices.


SetNet has developed and fine-tuned the transcoding process to deliver transcoded media in a quick and timely manner. We realize time is of the most importance to any production and the quicker we can deliver a product to our clients the more time they have in the edit room. This allows our clients to have more creative time to make their vision come to life. 




Dailies, in filmmaking, are the raw, unedited footage shot during the making of a motion picture project. They are called this because usually at the end of each day, that day's footage is developed, synced to sound, and printed on film in a batch (or telecined onto video tape or disk) for viewing the next day by the director, director of photography, some members of the crew, and actors. Dailies serve as an indication of how the filming and the actors' performances are progressing. However, the term can be used to refer to any unedited footage, regardless of when it is developed or printed.

Another way to describe film dailies is "the first positive prints made by the laboratory from the negative photographed on the previous day".

In some regions such as the UK and Canada, dailies are usually referred to as rushes or daily rushes, referring to the speed at which the prints are developed.


Today, Dailies are created not only for viewing purposes, they are also used for offline edits in post production. This process now also allows clients to review unedited footage for all the same reasons that are listed above but also to allow editors to work with smaller files that do not need to be rendered throughout their edit allowing for quicker editing turnarounds. SetNet has developed a transcoding process that provides clients with quick deliverables of those dailies, whether it be to a dailies server for review or to a post house to begin the editing process.




Data archiving is the process of moving data that is no longer actively used to a separate storage device for long-term retention. Archive data consists of older data that is still important to the Production and may be needed for future reference, as well as data that must be retained for regulatory compliance.


SetNet provides clients with a state of the art archiving system. We provide long term storage on LTO tapes, one of the leading industry standards for archiving. All data important to your project, whether it be for future reference, storing until post is ready for the final conform, or being with-in insurance compliance for long term storage, SetNet can provide you with safe and reliable archive storage.